"When he asked me to read his book and write a blurb I said yes because Yaron is a nice guy--he once gave me a ride to Newark Airport. Then I started reading. 24 hours later I was behind on sleep, work, and parenting—but done with the book. There are layers to the brilliance here. Much of the writing about The Process only muddies the waters, adds noise where we are desperate for signal. Here, though, for the first time, is the account of if all that will confuse no one. Yes, this is what Sam Hinkie was trying to do. Yes, it failed in some ways, and succeeded in others. The lucky readers of this book will have the insight to judge what was what."
Henry Abbott, Founder and CEO, TrueHoop
Through exhaustive reporting, Yaron Weitzman expertly takes us on a thrill ride through perhaps the NBA’s grandest and greatest experiment. The Process was Moneyball on steroids and, in TANKING TO THE TOP, Weitzman is is our nimble guide through all the drama inside of the board room and on the basketball court. It’s the best NBA book in years.
Jonathan Abrams, New York Times bestselling author of All The Pieces Matter and Boys Among Men
“The Philadelphia 76ers are nervous about you reading TANKING TO THE TOP—with good reason. Yaron Weitzman digs deep into the core of the organization’s famous (and infamous) process, showing the reader every high, low, success, failure and, yes, wart. It’s a gem of a book; a gift to basketball junkies fascinated by mechanisms of the NBA.”
Jeff Pearlman, New York Times bestselling author of Gunslinger
“‘The Process’ was the boldest, brashest, diciest, most controversial roster-building exercise we’ve seen in the NBA. Sam Hinkie’s gambit alarmed fans and outraged NBA executives—and it worked. But the Sixers’ rise from laughingstock to contender was so much more complex and layered than a two-word catchphrase. In TANKING TO THE TOP, Yaron Weitzman unearths new details and fresh insights, with an insider’s expertise and a deft touch, providing the definitive account of this fascinating saga"
Howard Beck, senior NBA writer, Bleacher Report